“Any knowledge that is not put into practice is no knowledge at all. Put into practice at least one or two principles in your life out of all that you have learnt. Only then will your life be redeemed and you will acquire merit. Only then, you would have followed the right path.” 

Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Sri Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol 11, Jan 3, 1971

Sri Sathya Sai Baba has repeatedly emphasized the importance of practicing one or two teachings to fully experience and understand the value of spirituality in our own upliftment and transformation. Life application is a critical lesson plan component which facilitates and encourages the practice of what is learnt in SSE to a diverse setting-home, school, Sai Center, sports field or school auditorium. 

Beginning January 2021, the SOuL team reviewed life application submissions received from National SSE Refresher (NRE) 2020 and the team members as well. Multiple sessions were conducted to finalize format, content and design with a singular focus to keep it simple and user friendly. The life applications listed have been tried and tested in SSE classroom setting. All teachers are encouraged to adapt it based on their classroom dynamics and children's needs. 

We will continue to develop this section and other resources. Each life application has a feedback form for you to share your thoughts.  If you have any other ideas or suggestions or would like to be contributor, please contact us at saispiritualeducation@sathyasai.us  and mention- SSE resources in the subject.