On May 5, 2024, a child's love for Mother Nature inspired nine members of the Sathya Sai Baba Center of SE Denver to join in an uplifting service to plant a flowering tree and rows of flowers on the grounds of the Grace United Methodist Church where weekly Sai Spiritual Education (SSE) classes are held. As his final SSE project, six-year-old Siddarth chose to plant a crabapple tree which would soon be adorned with pink blossoms as it stood next to the stained-glass windows of the sanctuary. He made a heartfelt invitation to Sai Center members, “Trees give oxygen, a home and food for animals, shade, and life to flowers. I want to plant a tree with cherry blossoms to offer to Baba and everyone is invited!” This was truly the joyous culmination of SSE (Sai Spiritual Education) lessons learned and lived over the past year.  

The pastor of Grace Church was moved by this beautiful offering from one so young. “What a special occasion to celebrate the creativity and love of a young child with so much heart to contribute to our courtyard beauty for years to come!”

Sai Center members gathered in support of this activity as Siddarth led the way. After gathering the tools, tree, and potted flowering plants, a prayer of gratitude was offered. Feelings of love, joy, unity, and oneness took root in everyone's hearts while the roots of the tree were being put into the ground, surrounded by nourishing organic fertilizer, mulch and rocks, so the tree would grow sturdy and strong. In the end, sacred ash Vibhuti was joyfully sprinkled all around while a unison prayer was chanted for sustaining life.  

Siddharth then dashed across the courtyard to the St Francis of Assisi Peace Garden to plant flowers. “Flowers make people happy as they shine so bright; let’s plant every color!” St. Francis of Assisi loved all of nature and Siddharth’s effusive love of nature sparked the same love in everyone around. Rainbow rows of petunias were planted and patted down with a blanket of soil beside the tall graceful Peace lilies, a playful bird bath, while a statue of St. Francis of Assisi watched over with a peaceful smile. A shower of water and love was sprayed all around. In the end, the joy and gratitude were palpable as everyone felt connected with each other and nature as they sang the Prayer of St Francis of Assisi. “Baba is smiling on you”, a Sai elder, heart overflowing and touched by the sweet innocent love of the child, told Siddarth. Without skipping a heartbeat, he replied, “His tree and flowers are smiling too!”


Above all these you are. All these are simply manifestations. You appear as the smiling flower, as the twinkling stars.

    - Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Sanathana Sarathi, 1973