On 21st June 2020, the Sathya Sai Baba Centers of the Northeast Region came together virtually to commemorate the graduation of Sai Spiritual Education (SSE) Group 4 children on the verge of entering college. The virtual graduation, the first of its kind, came together flawlessly, reminding us that when we take one step towards Sathya Sai Baba, He takes a hundred steps towards us! During the program, the students and their parents reflected on how attending SSE had impacted their family as a whole and how their lives had been enriched by the experience. 

Students reminisced on all the fun they had during the Memorial Day retreats, the bhajans they had learnt, the plays they had put on, the service projects they had participated in, and the close bonds they had developed with each other over the years. They recalled the discussions they had in SSE classes and how they came to realize that they were not alone in going through the college application process. 

Putting into practice Sai Baba’s teachings that they had imbibed in SSE classes, they were able to set priorities, and manage their time wisely. They had also realized an important lesson - that regular prayers and having a strong relationship with God, their family, their peers and teachers helped them move through periods of stress. They found the discussions and activities in SSE classes had provided an opportunity to not only deepen their understanding of Baba’s teachings , but they also provided a safe space to share and talk about the challenges they faced. 


In addition, the SSE parents shared how gratified they were to see their children practice Baba’s teachings - like treating everyone equally, showing kindness and compassion, patience, tolerance, empathy and open-mindedness when relating and interacting with peers of diverse ethnicities and abilities. They expressed their gratitude to the SSE teachers, who had worked ceaselessly with their children, to give them a strong spiritual base. The parents felt confident that their children,  with Baba’s teachings as their guidepost, would successfully face the challenges during their college years and beyond. 

 The National Educational Coordinator, Ms. Aparna Murali, addressed the gathering and reminded them, "Education is a gift from parents and a passport to the future.”  She emphasized the importance of studying hard and taking care of one’s body and mind through participation in sports and music. Just like sailors at sea seek the help of a lighthouse to reach the shore,  students should seek the help of others when they need it. The Young Adults welcomed the graduates into their community, assuring the newcomers a supportive and loving Sai family, who will help them understand and apply Baba’s teachings in navigating the world.

One the enjoyable presentations was a Human Values rap that the graduates put together: