The harmony between thoughts, words and deeds is the first step in spiritual growth. Lack of correlation between ideas, utterances and actions leads to self-deception, hypocrisy, and spiritual bankruptcy. The proper study of mankind is man. The generation, expression and efflorescence of humanitarianism depends on the proper integration of thought, speech and action.

Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Summer Showers,  May 1979 

Humanitarian Relief projects has been the focus whenever misfortune hits. The services relate to relief efforts due to disasters, response to the pandemic, food drives and construction. Guidelines and operating procedures are provided by the Sri Sathya Sai International Organization and SSSIO-US.  Provided below are resources related to volunteer sign-up, and forms for pre-project and post-project reporting. 


Sign-Up Forms Guidelines

Operational Manuals


Volunteer Sign-up Form

SSSIO- Disaster Relief

SSSIO- Disaster Relief


Disaster Relief Supply List


Pre-Project Form   SSIO-US Disaster Relief Operations Manual Disaster Relief Team - Join the CERT
Project Reporting Form