The World Bird Sanctuary (WBS), a community adopted by the Sri Sathya Sai International Organization (SSSIO) - USA Mid-Central Region since 2016, is globally recognized for its commitment to rehabilitation, education and conservation. In particular, the sanctuary's pivotal role in removing the American Bald Eagle from the endangered species list has garnered widespread acclaim. Beyond providing a nurturing home to approximately 200 birds, the WBS enlightens over 125,000 individuals annually about the vital role of birds in the ecosystem and their dedicated conservation efforts. 

Sai Center members find immense pride and joy in volunteering on the sanctuary's 305-acre hardwood forest, continually expanding their knowledge of avian needs and discovering new ways to serve their community. Opportunities abound, from tending the beautiful grounds and adopting birds to sponsoring patients, participating in events, donating supplies and providing equipment. This year, at the Mid-Central Region's annual retreat, Sai volunteers generously contributed supplies for the WBS's grounds, hospital and various bird species, beyond traditional forms of support like memberships and adoptions. 

The sanctuary's volunteer coordinator expressed delight at the Sai community's wholehearted engagement, which has not only brought the members deep joy and appreciation for the sanctuary’s work, but has also redefined their understanding of community involvement. By adopting WBS as their own, Sai members have become integral members of the sanctuary community, deepening their commitment to Envirocare and experiencing a deeper understanding of holistic, loving service. 

One volunteer shared, "Serving birds unable to return to the wild is incredibly rewarding. Encountering the American Bald Eagle up close inspired me to become a bird parent, allowing me to learn and contribute to the eagle's care." 

Another volunteer described the transformational impact of their experience: "Volunteering at WBS has been life-changing. Through hands-on involvement in habitat creation and bird care, I've gained new skills and a profound connection to nature. This experience has instilled in me a sense of purpose and a deep appreciation for the interconnection of all living things. It's a wonderful opportunity to extend our compassion and create a positive impact on the world around us. I am grateful to our loving Sai for this invaluable experience of oneness with all creation."