
In the heartwarming tale of overcoming obstacles, we encounter the remarkable journey of Suneet, a boy born with special needs, who defied the limitations set by cerebral palsy. Born with challenges that affected his ability to talk and comprehend, this young boy's story is a testament to the Divine Grace of Sri Sathya Sai Baba, the power of familial love and support, resilience, and the extraordinary healing potential found in the world of music/bhajans (devotional singing) .  

The Early Struggles: 

From the moment he entered the world, Suneet, a boy with special needs, faced the challenges of cerebral palsy, a condition that impacted his motor skills, communication abilities and overall comprehension. His family, however, refused to let these challenges define his destiny. They embarked on a journey navigating the complexities of therapies - from physical therapy to speech therapy - to enhance Suneet’s motor skills, communication abilities, and overall quality of life. There were only small improvements; the challenges kept piling on one after the other.  Yet, in the face of adversity, his family remained steadfast, filled with hope and determination, and kept faith that Sri Sathya Sai Baba would help their beloved child thrive against all odds.   

The Journey to Healing. 

Amidst various therapeutic interventions and support systems, the family discovered the transformative influence of bhajans (devotional singing). The family joined the spiritual pilgrimage in 2007 by SSSIO – USA Pacific South Region, which included the performance of the Christmas play ‘Boy Jesus’ at Parthi. Suhas, younger brother to Suneet, played the role of boy Jesus and was blessed with a chain materialized by the divine Lord Sathya Sai. That was the first time Suneet saw the divine form of Sri Sathya Sai Baba with his family. He was just seven years old. On their return home, they noticed Suneet’s condition miraculously improve. He started speaking, comprehending, taking small steps and walking with the walker and out of wheelchair. He started clapping for bhajans and one day, a breakthrough occurred. Suneet, who had struggled with speech and comprehension, began to vocalize the tune and sing along. It was a moment of astonishment and joy for his family. The melodic breakthrough marked the beginning of a transformative journey, as Suneet found his voice through devotional singing.   

From Silence to Song  

The unwavering support of the family and faith in Sri Sathya Sai played a pivotal role in the special needs boy’s journey. The patience, love and encouragement of his parents and brother provided a nurturing environment where he felt safe to explore and express himself, as he progressed from humming tunes to eventually singing complete Sai bhajans. Each achievement brought a sense of pride and accomplishment. The healing journey through bhajan singing not only enhanced his communication skills but also contributed to improved his motor coordination, emotional well-being and overall development.

Now, Suneet listens to Sai bhajans from Radio Sai and learns by just listening to them. He has sung bhajans at temples, schools, community events and Sri Sathya Sai centers, accompanied by his brother Suhas on tabla. Today, in the words of his mother, Reva, “We stand beside my son, as witnesses to the healing power of music and devotional singing and a story of triumph over adversity. What began as a journey marked by uncertainty and challenges, was transformed into a testament of love, resilience, and the divine grace of our loving Sathya Sai.”