Sai Organizations Must Promote Faith in God

This discourse outlines in detail the foundational aspects of the Sathya Sai Organization namely faith in God, eschewing ego, duties and qualifications of members and office bearers, unity of faiths, avoiding the solicitation and collection of funds, and selfless and loving service to the needy.

Love is the Highest Religion

The Sathya Sai Organization is not intended to publicize the name or create a cult around worshiping Sathya Sai Baba. On the contrary they must spread interest in spiritual practices that lead everyone Godward. Rendering service to the needy suffused with selfless love is the noblest of all practices.

The Heart of the Organization

Why should one avoid the collection of funds in the Sathya Sai Organization? Money is the root cause of all misunderstandings. Have love, humility, detachment and service as your funds.

Fundamental Aspects of Selfless and Loving Service

Selfless service to one and all starting in the home is necessary to prepare oneself for the greater responsibility that awaits in the community, in the nation, and in the world.

Call to Sai Organization Members

The message of "Fatherhood of God" and "Brotherhood of Man," which Jesus Christ proclaimed 2000 years ago, should become a living faith for the achievement of real peace and the unity of mankind. The oneness of all creation affirmed by the ancient seers and sages must be expressed in a transcendental love which embraces all.

Why Organize

The primary aim of the Sai Organization is to enable humankind to realize his inner Divinity. The Sathya Sai Organization has to teach this lesson, not by precepts elaborately described in elegant language, but by example. Rules and regulations are necessary and are laid down for good of the members of the Organization.

The Fingers Five

Service should be rendered with no trace of ego and with a sense of love and unity. The various wings of the Organization—Devotion, Service, Education, Women's Division and the Center as a whole—should act in unity and co-operation much like the five fingers of our hand.

The Purpose of Starting an Organization

This Organization was started to enable humankind to lead an ideal life and bring about changes in society. Selfless and loving service is the way to cultivate inner peace. That which is done through love brings unity.

Handouts from Regional Officers Training 2017

Handouts from workshops on handling money, promoting unity, cultural sensitivity, effective communication, building service portfolio and others.