Global Akhand Bhajans: A Garland of Love
I spent most of this past weekend at our regional Global Akhand Bhajans. This year, I figured I would try to contribute more than just singing so I helped a bit with setup on Friday night. I was struck by the sheer volume of work behind the scenes. When I arrived on Saturday, I was similarly impressed by the majestic altar arrangement. Thick floral chandeliers of roses and cascading wisteria floated above a radiant photo of Sri Sathya Sa Baba's face, while blush and claret-colored drapes descended into clouds of gauze. Twenty-four hours sped by in a blur of joyful worship, culminating in a powerful string of soul-stirring bhajans. As usual, I was moved to tears.
All over the world, we raised our voices to the heavens, praying to all forms of God, in all languages and faiths, for peace, for all people, for all time. What drives us to execute this massive global event? Love. Love that pulses through us all of us. Love that transcends borders, backgrounds, and beliefs. Every clap, every chorus, every cadence of notes, every cymbal played, every vegetable chopped, every compostable cup filled with tea, every cord plugged in, every camera set up, every child cared for, every carefully coordinated action executed this past weekend was like a small flower to be offered in His name. Together, we formed a magnificent garland, all the more beautiful because of the underlying thread of unconditional, limitless, all-powerful Love.
~ Ellesha Wanigasekera