“Man can be described as a conglomeration of thoughts and ideas. Every little thought becomes an integral part of his life. The quality of feelings one has, determines his future. Therefore, he must install sacred ideas in his heart. The fostering of pure thoughts will promote the spirit of selfless service in our hearts.“
Summer Showers in Brindavan in 1979
In order to create a variety of activities to cater to varied interests of Young Adults from all walks of life, SSSIO has formed multiple subcommittees. All Young Adults are encouraged to participate and contribute to the subcommittees that they are most interested in. The details of all international Young Adults activities are listed in the official SSSIO international website, see links to the right.
If you have any questions, please reach out to National Young Adults leadership team via email ya-national-team@sathyasai.us.
Please visit https://www.sathyasai.org/ya/ for a details of the YA program at the international level.